What Does Ethan Leib’s Essay “A Man’s Right To Choose (An Abortion)” Mean?

Click here to read Ethan Leib’s”A Man’s Right To Choose (An Abortion?)” Here is the abstract:

This article attempts to argue – contra Danforth and Casey – for a man’s right to participate in the abortion decision and provides some legal mechanisms to implement such a right.

He and I are debating aspects of this brief piece in the comments here. Feel free to contribute to the discussion via comments here or e-mail.

–Ann Bartow

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0 Responses to What Does Ethan Leib’s Essay “A Man’s Right To Choose (An Abortion)” Mean?

  1. bob coley jr says:

    I have been party to this discussion for over 35 years. In that time I have seen the “all or nothing” point of view from all sides fail to solve anything. Maybe some weight should be given to a compromise solution. This would mean spelling out courses of action for all possable choices, eg woman wants child, man does not, man wants child, woman does not, etc. In all the discusions the effect on the child should be given the ultamate weight.