LAPA Fellowships at Princeton: Deadline November 6

From the FLP mailbox, this call for applications for the prestigious LAPA Fellowships at Princeton:

The Program in Law and Public Affairs (LAPA) at Princeton University invites outstanding faculty, independent scholars, lawyers, and judges to apply for appointments as fellows for the academic year 2010–2011. Each year, through its Fellows program, LAPA brings to Princeton world-class experts on the law. Successful candidates will devote an academic year in residence at Princeton engaging in their own research and in the intellectual life of the Program.  Under exceptional circumstances, applications for only one semester in residence may be considered.

For 2010-2011 , we plan to name up to four general LAPA Fellows plus one Microsoft/LAPA Fellow who specializes in intellectual property or the economic organization of society, and one Mellon/LAPA Fellow in Law and the Humanities. Applicants to the program will be considered for all of the applicable fellowships, depending upon the applicant’s proposed research project.    Applying with a stated interest in a designated fellowship will not prejudice an applicant from being considered for one of the general fellowships and vice versa.  All fellowships are based upon the same salary calculations and carry the same   privileges and conditions.

LAPA Fellows devote the major portion of their time to their own research and writing on law-related subjects of empirical, interpretive and/or normative significance.  In addition, LAPA Fellows are expected to participate in LAPA programs, including a biweekly faculty-graduate seminar and a weekly discussion group, as well as some public events and conferences. Fellows should be in residence at Princeton at least four days a week during the academic term. They enjoy access to Firestone Library and a wide range of other activities and intellectual resources throughout the University. Some Fellows may be invited to teach a course in one of Princeton’s graduate or undergraduate programs, subject to the needs of the University, approval of the Dean of the Faculty, and the cooperation of the sponsoring academic department.

The Fellows program is open to all regardless of citizenship, but it does not support work toward the completion of a degree.  All applicants should have received a doctorate, juris doctor, or an equivalent professional degree by the beginning of the fellowship.

More information is available here.

-Bridget Crawford

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