How Many Law School Chairs are Named After Women?


Yesterday’s post with the good news of Kim Krawiec’s appointment as the Kathrine Robinson Everett Professor at Duke Law School made me wonder about the number of law school chairs that are named after women.

Hey, readers!  We need your help crowd-sourcing a list of all existing chairs that are named after women.  After the fold is the data I have compiled to start.

Please use the comments to add other chairs that you know about, and I’ll periodically update the list.  This is a list of chairs named after women only (as opposed to women and men or “Family of”).  If there are tons more in the other categories, we’ll start other lists, but for now, let’s see how many chairs there are named after women.

-Bridget Crawford

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4 Responses to How Many Law School Chairs are Named After Women?

  1. Tony Infanti says:

    At Pitt Law, we have only a very small number of endowed chairs (if memory serves, three right now and a fourth that has just been created and is only now being filled). Two of them are named after women. The Sally Ann Semenko Chair is held by Arthur Hellman. There is also a Bessie McKee Walthour Endowed Chair that was held by Welsh White prior to his death. It is now occupied by Jules Lobel.

  2. ellie63105 says:

    There are no chairs exclusively named after women at Harvard:
    1. William J. Friedman and Alicia Townsend Friedman Professor of Law, Economics, and Finance/ Lucian A. Bebchuk
    2. Jack N. and Lillian R. Berkman Professor for Entrepreneurial Legal Studies/ Yochai Benkle
    3. Carroll and Milton Petrie Professor of Law/ Einer R. Elhauge
    4. Howard J. and Katherine W. Aibel Professor of Law/ Carol Steiker

  3. ilpc says:

    Mary Anne Richey Professor of Law at James E. Rogers School of Law, University of Arizona. Held by Prof. Barbara Ann Atwood

  4. ilpc says:

    Also, from Faculty Lounge today: “Professor Jane Campbell Moriarty from the University of Akron School of Law has been appointed to the inaugural Carol Los Mansmann Chair in Faculty Scholarship at Duquesne University.”

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